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ROMO 001 Condón de poliuretano
ROMO 001 los condones de poliuretano son probablemente la alternativa más popular al látex. Made out of a type of plastic of polyurethane, they conduct heat better than latex and are also thinner, which many men find to be more pleasurable.
Como a revolutionary new condón made de polyurethane, a material eso‘s thinner y more comfortable than traditional latex condones. Este producto offers ultimate sensitivity, superior flexibility, y mejorado durability. Additionally, él‘s también one de el fastest–warming materials available, meaning your partner poder enjoy natural heat y heightened sensation durante use. Con 001 Polyurethane Condom, you poder enjoy comodidad y placer combined like never before. The non latex condoms for sensitive skin or latex allergy consumers.
Como un custom condom factory approved by ISO/CE, we also can custom produce the polyurethane 001 condom in your own brand package. This is a luxury level condom, we recommend has a try, it’s a new chance to make your own brand outstanding from market.
Tamaño & Medidas:
Ancho: 54+/-2 milímetro
Longitud: 190 +/-5 milímetro
Espesor: 0.025milímetro+/-0.015m m
Embalaje: lámina cuadrada, 3piezas/caja y 10 piezas/caja
Water based polyurethane
Estándares & Certificados
YO ASI 23409; ISO13485
Otros nombre
001 o 002 o 003 condón, preservativo de poliuretano, condón sin látex, condones sin latex
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