24 Deireadh Fómhair Coiscín Grá Fada disadvantages or side effects of using benzocaine condoms 2024-10-24 Le riarthoir Long love condom's main active ingredient is the benzocaine, which is the desensitizing agent to make ejaculation later, so we also nam...Lean ort ag léamh
18 Feabh Coiscín Grá Fada Side effects of using benzocaine condoms for long love 2024-07-04 Le riarthoir Delay or long love condom always use the benzocaine or Lidocaine as active ingredients. Which also named desensitive condom. This m...Lean ort ag léamh
28 Ean Coiscín Grá Fada What’s a delay condom used for? 2024-10-17 Le riarthoir Regular condoms are familiar for most clients and consumers, but many consumers maybe not familiar with this type condom, or they are f...Lean ort ag léamh