Produkt kategorier
ROMO kondom med jordbærsmak
ROMO Flavored condoms er spesialiserte kondomprodukter som har et smaksbelegg og som kan brukes til oral samleie, vaginal eller analsex, the flavor also can cover the latex’s smell to make both of them enjoy the romantic love.
ROMO strawberry flavored condoms are specialized condom products that have a flavor-coating and that can use for an oral intercourse, vaginal eller analsex, the flavor also can cover the latex’s smell to make both of them enjoy the romantic love.
And accoriding to our sales record, strawberry ranks top on all the flavor list, which gained worldwide consumer’s choice, No matter Africa or America, west or east, it seems all the world people like the strawberry, the following flavors are the orders we once produced, but they are not so famous as strawberry:
Vanilla, Banana, Cherry, Lemon, Strawberry, Orange , Apple , Chocolate, Mint
Størrelse & målinger:
Bredde: 52+/-2 mm
Lengde: 180 +/-5 mm
Tykkelse: 0.065mm+/-0,015 mm
Pakking: firkantet folie, 3stk/boks og 10 stk/boks
Naturlatex importert fra Thailand, and strawberry lubricant
Standarder & Sertifikater
ISO 4074, ISO13485, CE
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