Lubrificante Pessoal

Lubrificantes pessoais OEM à base de água são muito vendidos

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Os lubrificantes pessoais desempenham um papel crucial na garantia do conforto, prazer e melhorando experiências íntimas. Which also is a help for vagina dryness and help you enjoy a comfortable love.

Personal lubricants are primarily made from water, making them safe for use with preservativos and compatible with all types of sex toys. Water-based lubricants are less likely to cause irritation or interfere with the efficacy of latex. Additionally, the water-based formula is easy to clean up and washes away effortlessly, leaving no residue.

Water based personal lubricant provide long-lasting moisture and reduce friction during intimate activities. The water-based formula replicates natural moisture, allowing for smooth and comfortable penetration without any discomfort or dryness. Whether used for foreplay, intercourse, or with sex toys.

Water -based personal lubricants are formulated to be hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin. They are free of harsh chemicals, fragrances, and dyes that could potentially cause irritation or discomfort. This makes them suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or those prone to allergies. The gentle nature of these lubricants ensures a pleasurable experience without any unwanted side effects.

As an OEM personal lubricants factory approved by ISO/CE/WHO standards, we can not only produce water based lubricant, silicone based lubricant is also our main types lube for worldwide clients. Welcome contact us. Let’s keep the ball rolling if you’re interest in it.

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] WhatsApp: 0086-191-5379-1397 Contato: Rita

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