Long love condom’s main active ingredient is the benzocaine, which is the desensitizing agent to make ejaculation later, so we also named it benzocaine condom, which can make love longer time than regular, so many consumers prefer to choose it, but it also has some side effects, not everyone is suitable to use it.
Such as the biggest side effect is that it always make consumers reply on it, so it’s difficult to erect if not use it. The penis erect function will lower and lower if continue use it. Most consumers using this medication do not have serious side effects. Get medical help right away if you have any serious side effects, örneğin: slow/shallow breathing, slow/irregular heartbeat, seizures. This medication has rarely caused a very serious (possibly fatal) blood disorder (methemoglobinemia); These include redness, itching or irritation of the penis, reduced sensitivity, transferring of numbness to a partner and decreased sexual desire.
As a condom plant, we don’t recommend consumers choose the benzocaine condoms, any anesthetic ingredient has their side effect, only if you need it necessary, but long love don’t in the necessary list.